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You broke me - Idra Kayne

You broke me - Idra Kayne

One day in the life of Idra Kayne Ξύπνησες νωρίς? Κοιτάζεσαι στον καθρέφτη και σκέφτεσαι "Θέε μου πώς είμαι έτσι το πρωί!Σα δράκος"? Δικός μου άνθρωπος είσαι... Album: Mic Drop You broke me - Idra Kayne Lyrics by Dimitris Nassios Video by Vasia Anagnostopoulou © 2017 Minos - EMI SA Βρείτε το τραγούδι σε όλα τα ψηφιακά καταστήματα και τις streaming υπηρεσίες: Ακολουθήστε την Idra Kayne στα social media: First you called me out, all you did is scream and shout, then you broke my heart, filled it up with pain and doubt. I walked out the door, with a handbag full of sorrow, And I told myself, I will make my own tomorrow. You broke me x2, every time you tried to provoke me. You broke me x2, your words had started to choke me. You broke me x2, you put me in your pipe and tried to smoke me. You broke me x2, your insecurity will never cloak me. I've seen it all before, when the one that you adore, rips your heart and soul and stomps it on the floor. I don't need you now, watch me leave without a doubt, I won't play your games that's not what my life's about. You broke me x2, every time you tried to provoke me. You broke me x2, your words had started to choke me. You broke me x2, you put me in your pipe and tried to smoke me. You broke me x2, your insecurity will never cloak me. All you do is call me out, all you do is scream and shout, all you do is break my heart, fill it up with pain and doubt Don't provoke me now don't try to choke me now don't try to smoke me now you'll never cloak me now Don't provoke me now don't try to choke me now don't try to smoke me now you'll never cloak me now All you do is call me out, all you do is scream and shout, all you do is break my heart, fill it up with pain and doubt
Oceans of time - Idra Kayne

Oceans of time - Idra Kayne

One day in the life of Idra Kayne Kάποιος κάποτε μου είπε ότι με τα αφρόλουτρα στη μπανιέρα καις θερμίδες....και έχουν και αντιγηραντική δράση... συνενννοηθήκαμε??? Album: Mic Drop Oceans of time - Idra Kayne Music & lyrics by Dimitris Nassios Video by Vasia Anagnostopoulou © 2017 Minos - EMI SA Βρείτε το τραγούδι σε όλα τα ψηφιακά καταστήματα και τις streaming υπηρεσίες: Ακολουθήστε την Idra Kayne στα social media: I don't know what you've done to my mind, But I do know this, I'll go through oceans of time, Til I taste your kiss I'll sing to the top of my lungs, Come back to me, And I'll sing it a million times, And across the sea. I have been drowning, in oceans of time, I shouted your name, on every mountain I climbed. I have been drowning, in oceans of time, there's no denying, one day you'll be mine. I don't know what you've done to my mind, But I'll do my best, Oh I'll never stop trying, No I'll never rest, I'll sing til I'm empty inside, How I want you here, those feelings I just cannot hide, but you won't see a tear. I have been drowning, in oceans of time, I shouted your name, on every mountain I climbed. I have been drowning, in oceans of time, there's no denying, one day you'll be mine. If you want me to keep on searching, Tell me what to find, you've left me so long in the dark, that I'm almost blind. I don't know why you do what you do, But you gotta stop, You have to give back my heart, Coz I ain't your prop. I have been drowning, in oceans of time, I shouted your name, on every mountain I climbed. I have been drowning, in oceans of time, there's no denying, one day you'll be mine.
September child - Idra Kayne

September child - Idra Kayne

One day in the life of Idra Kayne 10 συμβουλές για να γίνει το πλύσιμo των ρούχων παιχνιδάκι! Μα πόσο προκομένη πια.... 1.Οι ετικέτες των ρούχων και των σεντονιών σας δίνουν οδηγίες σχετικά με τον τρόπο πλύσης τους. Με βάση αυτές, ξεκινήστε να χωρίζετε τα ρούχα σας σε τρεις βασικές στοίβες: εκείνα που μπορούν να πλυθούν στο πλυντήριο, εκείνα που πρέπει να πλυθούν στο χέρι και εκείνα που χρειάζονται καθαριστήριο. 2.Ξεχωρίστε τα ρούχα που μπορούν να μπουν στο πλυντήριο με βάση το χρώμα τους: τα λευκά, τα παστέλ, τα ανοιχτά γκρι και εκείνα που διαθέτουν ασπρόμαυρα μοτίβα μπορούν να τοποθετηθούν στην ίδια πλύση. Αντίστοιχα, υπολογίστε μία ξεχωριστή πλύση για τα σκουρόχρωμα (μαύρο, κόκκινο, σκούρο μπλε, καφέ και γκρι) ρούχα και σεντόνια. 3.Πέρα από από τα χρώματα, κάντε έναν επιπλέον διαχωρισμό των ρούχων σας με βάση το ύφασμά τους. Για παράδειγμα, ξεχωρίστε στην ανοιχτόχρωμη στοίβα σας και στην σκουρόχρωμη τα τζιν σας από τον πιο ελαφρύ ρουχισμό σας (πχ. πουκάμισα). Ο λόγος που συστήνεται να χωρίζετε τα άπλυτα σας με βάση το ύφασμά τους έχει να κάνει με την ιδανική θερμοκρασία πλύσης τους. Επιπλέον, με αυτόν τον τρόπο, προστατεύετε τα ρούχα σας από τα υφάσματα που αφήνουν χνούδι. 4.Σε περίπτωση που δεν έχετε αρκετό χρόνο για ξεχωριστές πλύσεις άνα χρώμα και ύφασμα, μπορείτε να πλύνετε μαζί όλα τα ανοιχτόχρωμα ρούχα σας βάζοντας, ωστόσο, το πρόγραμμα για τα ευαίσθητα. 5.Χρησιμοποιήστε ένα απορρυπαντικό ρούχων που είναι ιδανικό για όλα τα υφάσματα και διαβάστε καλά τις οδηγίες που θα βρείτε στην ετικέτα του ώστε να καθορίσετε την κατάλληλη ποσότητα. Αν τα ρούχα σας είναι λεκιασμένα, φροντίστε να ρίξετε λίγο υγρό απορρυπαντικό ρούχων πάνω στις βρώμικες περιοχές. 6.Αν τα ρούχα σας χρειάζονται ένα απλό φρεσκάρισμα ή είναι ελαφρώς λεκιασμένα, προτιμήστε να τα πλένετε σε χαμηλές θερμοκρασίες (30-40οC). Επίσης, φροντίστε να τα ξεπλένετε πάντα με κρύο νερό καθώς το ζεστό νερό αλλοιώνει τη σύνθεσή των ινών τους. 7.Προτού τα τοποθετήσετε στο πλυντήριο, φροντίστε να ελέγξετε ότι οι τσέπες των τζιν και των παντελονιών σας είναι άδειες. Επιπλέον, μην ξεχάσετε να κλείσετε τα φερμουάρ και να κουμπώσετε τα πουκάμισά σας. 8.Τοποθετήστε τα ρούχα και τα σεντόνια σας ένα-ένα στον κάδο του πλυντηρίου και προσέξτε ώστε να μην το γεμίσετε τελείως προκειμένου να πλυθούν καλά. Τέλος, αναποδογυρίστε τα μάλλινα και όσα ρούχα σας είναι φτιαγμένα από ευαίσθητα υφάσματα (όπως είναι τα κοτλέ) για να αποφύγετε την τραχιά όψη που αφήνει πάνω τους η διαδικασία πλυσίματος. 9.Φροντίστε να πλένετε τα σεντόνια και τις πετσέτες σας στην υψηλότερη δυνατή θερμοκρασία μια φορά το μήνα για λόγους υγιεινής. 10.Μετά το τέλος κάθε πλύσης, αφαιρέστε τα ρούχα όσο πιο άμεσα γίνεται από τον κάδο για να εμποδίσετε το ζάρωμα και τη μούχλα και απλώστε τα προσεκτικά. Album: Mic Drop September child - Idra Kayne Lyrics by Dimitris Nassios Video by Vasia Anagnostopoulou © 2017 Minos - EMI SA Βρείτε το τραγούδι σε όλα τα ψηφιακά καταστήματα και τις streaming υπηρεσίες: Ακολουθήστε την Idra Kayne στα social media: My September child You keep running wild My September child I forgot how you smiled. I remember the times, When I kept you so close, We twisted and turned and we burned in the sheets, Til we turned to a rose But one night you left me in despair now there's nobody there, To make me feel like I belong that I can do no wrong. September child, You left in a rush, My September child, How you made blush. I look at our pictures, I wear your old shirts, I sleep in the side of the bed that you left and it hurts how it hurts. But just when I thought That I lost all that matters the most, You walked through the door, And now I'm sure, That I'm eternally yours. Remember you came to me September you set me free Remember I gave you the key To unlock what we could be My September child You keep running wild x2
Don't let me go - Idra Kayne

Don't let me go - Idra Kayne

One day in the life of Idra Kayne Πρόγραμμα γυμναστικής: 5 σετ x 30 jumping jacks 3 σετ x 15 πλάγιες προβολές 5 σετ x 30 άλματα με σχοινάκι Ή απλά βάλε να ακούσεις Idra Kayne και χόρεψε μέχρι να ιδρώσει το βρακί σου! Album: Mic Drop Don't let me go - Idra Kayne Music by Dimitris Nassios Lyrics by Tal M. Klein Video by Vasia Anagnostopoulou © 2017 Minos - EMI SA Βρείτε το τραγούδι σε όλα τα ψηφιακά καταστήματα και τις streaming υπηρεσίες: Ακολουθήστε την Idra Kayne στα social media: You think you're something special Well that might be true Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya I just want some more Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya Always wanting more When you walk into the room I just want to get with you Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya I just want some more Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya Always wanting more All I need is satisfaction Cause baby you're my source of action Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya I just want some more Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya Always wanting more You think you're something special Don't ever misconstrue my intentions Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya I just want some more Don't ever let me go You leave me wanting more I want to give it to ya Always wanting more
Get out my way - Idra Kayne

Get out my way - Idra Kayne

One day in the life of Idra Kayne Η ζωή μου όοοοοοοολη μέσα στο αυτοκίνητο... Αν με συναντήσετε κάπου να ωρύομαι μόνη μου, αγνοήστε με. Κατά πάσα πιθανότητα κάποιον βρίζω... #έχωτανεύραμουαπόοχτώχρονών Album: Mic Drop Get out my way - Idra Kayne Music by Dimitris Nassios Lyrics by Dimitris Nassios & Idra Kayne Video by Vasia Anagnostopoulou © 2017 Minos - EMI SA Βρείτε το τραγούδι σε όλα τα ψηφιακά καταστήματα και τις streaming υπηρεσίες: Ακολουθήστε την Idra Kayne στα social media: Lyrics By Dimitris Nassios You can't grow, like I've grown, when I've spent half my life in disguise. You don't know, what I know, you can't see through my eyes. You can't feel, what I feel, when they're staring at me. You can't do, what I do, coz you're never really free. I don't hate you, never did, you where never, part of my grid. I don't see life, like you do, I won't spend my, time on you. I came here to, walk my path, you came here, to spread your wrath. And as you grow, and fade away, you'll know that, I'm here to stay I'm here to stay, Get out of my way. You can't dream, Like I dream, in my nightmares you're all I see. You won't reach, for the sky, you can't grow like a tree. You can't fly, like a bird, you see the world from beneath. You can£t shine, like the sun, You can't smile through those teeth. I don't hate you, never did, you where never, part of my grid. I don't see life, like you do, I won't spend my, time on you. I came here to, walk my path, you came here, to spread your wrath. And as you grow, and fade away, you£ll know that, I'm here to stay I'm here to stay, Get out of my way.
From sugar to sh_t - Idra Kayne ft MC Coppa

From sugar to sh_t - Idra Kayne ft MC Coppa

One day in the life of Idra Kayne Καλημέρα... same sh*t different day.... ή μήπως όχι? και εντάξει μπορεί όλα να πάνε στραβά αλλά εσύ μη μασάς. Βάλε τη φωτό από ένα μαναράκι στο μαξιλάρι ώστε όταν ανοίγει το μάτι να χαμογελάς... Album: Mic Drop From sugar to sh_t- Idra Kayne ft Coppa Lyrics by Marvin Hay and Dimitris Nassios Video by Vasia Anagnostopoulou © 2017 Minos - EMI SA Βρείτε το τραγούδι σε όλα τα ψηφιακά καταστήματα και τις streaming υπηρεσίες: Ακολουθήστε την Idra Kayne στα social media: Ya kicking it on the block, they tripping they call the cops how did everything change the weather & the wind sick of tired of it of it, all are ever we gonna win? angels gone left but the devil here to sin and ya find ya self, outside looking in no place at the table so we rummaging the bins, day to day the meaning of life, from sugar to shit but it's the place we call home are we Blind to the virtue, blind to the facts, wondering if they be going, wondering if they´l lback but that vibe it never left , deny the evidence, the time it takes to make eveything nice again make jokes crack a smile again, its all right we surviving friend make jokes crack a smile again, its all right we surviving friend When it feels just like they won, this life's to short for you to run, remember how it all begun, so follow me back to the sun, I know it feels too much to bare, but you don't have to go nowhere, hold your head up to the sky, I'll lift you up so you can fly and so you're raised by the streets like rhymes over beats Peace treatys with beasts, means livings outta reach want a slice of pie, but they sell us a peach supreme it used to be, they key to being free is resting in peace, Investing in we, is what we need to see to take us out this misery its no storm in a tea, cup ya fist to the sky from sugar to shit, it no joke being alive behave ya self, take time to refine and remake ya self, never stoop down low to degrade yaself young and feel the same, keep channelling all pain benevollent are the saints who try to maintain the standards of living that they stole from ya homes we make jokes crack a smile again, its all right ? we surviving friend When it feels just like they won, this life's to short for you to run, remember how it all begun, so follow me back to the sun, I know it feels too much to bare, but you don't have to go nowhere, hold your head up to the sky, I'll lift you up so you can fly
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